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Koronavuoden satamaliikenne ja tulos alavireinen

Wednesday   24.03.2021

Vuosi 2020 tulee jäämään kaikille mieleen. Covid-19 epidemia kuritti teollisuutta ja samalla satamaliikennettä koko Suomessa. Rauma ei valitettavasti ollut poikkeus. Paperin, sellun ja sahatavaran vientimäärät laskivat lähes 700 000 tonnia ja samalla metsäteollisuuden tuonti väheni lähes 300 000 tonnia eli yhteensä lasku oli lähes miljoona tonnia. Kokonaisuutena satamaliikenne oli yhteensä viisi miljoona tonnia, jossa pudotusta […]

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Wednesday   24.03.2021

Järjestyksessään 23. satamakäsikirja on valmistunut. Kirja toimii arjessa mainiona tietolähteenä satamasidonnaisen logistiikan eri aiheista. Lisäksi se toimii ammattimaisena käyntikorttina ja tietopakettina Rauman joustavista logistiikkapalveluista. Satamakäsikirjan avulla voimme viedä viestiä maailmalle Rauman laajasta tarjonnasta. Käsikirja löytyy myös digitaaliversiona Rauman Sataman nettisivuilta. Toivomme, että hyödynnätte monipuolista satamakäsikirjaa tarpeidenne mukaan. Postitamme mielellämme painettuja satamakäsikirjoja yrityksenne tarpeisiin, tilaukset:

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Port of Rauma wishes you a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday   15.12.2020 Read more

CB EfficientFlow

Tuesday   15.12.2020

The port application developed for Port of Rauma in the CB EfficientFlow project is soon about to be expanded into a national system. The CB EfficientFlow project that will be wound up in November 2020 produced a port application that will next be further developed by Vessel Traffic Services Finland Oy (VTS Finland) and Unikie […]

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Efficient Flow project

Wednesday   16.09.2020

The Efficient Flow project funded from the Central Baltic Programme (EU) has reached its final stage. The objectives of the project, which has taken almost three years, included improved and swifter exchange of information between the different operators in the port, savings in time in port operations, shorter waiting times, more efficient use of resources, […]

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Järviluoto settling basin being prepared to receive contaminated soil

Wednesday   16.09.2020

Port of Rauma was granted in the spring of 2020 a permit to relocate contaminated dredged soil into a specific basin part in the southwest corner of Järviluoto, originally built in the fairway dredging project in 2016–2017.In the fairway project, the basin served as a settling basin to drain away water that accumulated with the […]

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Quay-specific lighting control – C2 Smartlight

Tuesday   16.06.2020

The lighting systems in the port of Rauma have undergone a systematic replacement with LED fixtures since 2017. Lighting control has been developed alongside the replacement project, utilising the already previously acquired C2 Smartlight system which allows fixture-specific control. The move to led technology brings about 30% energy savings in port lighting. “The system has been […]

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Petäjäs 4 construction project

Tuesday   16.06.2020

The current stage of the ongoing Petäjäs 4 construction project, implemented by contract winner Terramare Oy, is visible to the outside by a continuous outer embankment. This makes it possible to proceed with the works through the summer without interruptions, in accordance with the permit conditions. “Work has progress well and on schedule, with about 60% […]

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2500 days without accidents

Tuesday   16.06.2020

Port of Rauma achieved an incredible 2500 days without occupational injuries mark on 27 May 2020. Iisakki Heino, the health and safety representative for Port of Rauma, is proud of the personnel of the entire Group and commented on the achievement as follows: “We have followed an extremely high standard of diligence throughout these years. We […]

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Demand in rauma has positively surprised

Thursday   28.05.2020

Speed Oy, which specializes in container transport, opened an office in the Port of Rauma six months ago. For Rauma, the company was attracted by the development of the port and the further increase in traffic.

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