Environmental permit
Under Section 28, subsection 1 of the Environmental Protection Act (86/2000), an environmental permit is required for activities that pose a threat of environmental pollution. The environmental permit granted to Port of Rauma in 2016 for port operation is valid until further notice. It steers the operation of Port of Rauma, the lessees of the Port of Rauma and the companies operating in the port area.
The environmental permit specifies conditions for operation, which impacts e.g. the quality of water and air, or the soil and the groundwater. It is the objective of Port of Rauma in all its operation to ensure that the activities of Port of Rauma itself and the other companies in the port area are carried out in a manner that will impact the environment as little as possible.
The vessels calling in the port as well as the companies operating in the port area shall take into consideration the valid environmental permit, which shall be complied with in all operations in the port of Rauma. Companies need to adapt their activities to the regulations of the environmental permit and obey any specific regulations issued on the basis of the conditions of the valid environmental permit by Port of Rauma as the port authority, or by the control authorities.
Vessels and companies must allow the port authority to conduct the inspections referred to in the environmental permit granted for port operations on any facilities, machines and equipment within the area covered by the environmental permit. Vessels and companies shall without charge hand over to Port of Rauma all the information needed to ensure compliance with the permit conditions, and participate in any investigations that are required according to the permit conditions, when such investigations pertain to the operation carried out in the port area by the vessel or company concerned.
- Etelä-Suomen aluehallintoviraston lupapäätös diaarinumero ESAVI/12253/2014 14.3.2016 , permit decision of South Finland Environmental Permit Authority (permit regulations starting on page 20) (in Finnish)
- Vaasan hallinto-oikeuden päätösdiaarinumero 00504/16/5129 5.12.2017, decision of Vaasa Administrative Court (Environmental Permit Authority regulations 7 and 20 changed, starting on page 8) (in Finnish)
- Korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden päätös diaarinumero 6324/1/17 15.11.2018 (hallinto-oikeuden määräystä 20 muutettu, määräys sivulla 19), decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (change in permit regulation 20 on page 19) (in Finnish)