Make sure that You’re familiar with the following procedures before arriving to the Port of Rauma.
Safety induction provides comprehensive instructions for arrival in the port area, and for safe moving and working in the port. Everybody working in or visiting the port area should complete the safety induction to ensure the safety of themselves as well as others. The safety induction takes about 10 minutes and can be completed also using the customer computer terminal in the lobby of the Main Gate Info building.
To access the port area, an access permit issued by the Port of Rauma and companies authorised by the Port of Rauma is required. Visitors need to obtain the access permit from their host company.
Every person wishing to access the port shall provide identification at request and give the reason for visiting the port. Entrance to the port area without a valid reason is forbidden. The port of Rauma uses a decentralised access monitoring system, i.e. companies operating in the port area are responsible for the updating of access permit data in the access monitoring system. The holder of an access permit is personally responsible for the permit. The access permit can be rejected or cancelled on either temporary or permanent basis due to e.g. permit abuse, or violation of safety, speed or parking regulations.
For vehicles, an access permit based on the licence number is needed both when driving into the port and out of the port. Vehicles with no access permit are guided by the traffic lights with a green arrow to the left for reporting at the Main Gate Info to obtain an access permit.
Visitors with no access permit are asked to call the host company for an access permit. If the company refuses to provide the permit, access to the port area is denied, as every visitor to the port shall have the access permit and a host, who assumes responsibility for the visit. If the company agrees to receive the visitor and asks the Gate personnel to provide the permit, a specific fee is charged from the host company for the permit. Entering the port through the gates without an access permit is against the law. Visitors without access permits are reprimanded, and if necessary, reported to the authorities.
CE-marked high-visibility (EN ISO 20471) clothing (hi vis vest or similar) shall be worn in the entire port area. In addition to the hi vis clothing, safety footwear and a safety helmet are also required
when working in quay areas under the administration of the Port Authority.
Each terminal operator determines the protective and safety clothing required in their own terminal area.
At the Main Gate the vehicle is identified by the license plate. You can facilitate identification by making sure your licence plate is clean, and in the winter, not covered by snow. If access to the port area fails even after cleaning the licence plate, drive to the parking area of the Main Gate and contact the Gate Info point.
Speed limits. The speed limit is 40 km/h on Hakunintie Road, 30 km/h in gate and quay areas, and 20 km/h in the container terminal. Regular traffic rules and signs apply in the port area. Violations of traffic rules result in a caution, and possibly temporary or permanent cancellation of the access permit.
Beware of railway crossings. There are three railway crossings equipped with semi-barriers and several other rail crossings without any warning equipment. Be careful – trains will not give way!
In the quay area, keep to the middle of the lanes and avoid going near doors or warehouse corners. Also stay outside the unloading and loading areas near ships. The work areas between loading or unloading ships and the warehouses are reserved exclusively for stevedoring activities. All unnecessary traffic is forbidden in these areas. When moving from one part of the port to another, the traffic routes in the background areas should be primarily used instead of quay areas, unless specifically necessary for the performance of work duties.
Arriving in the port
- by car
- on foot
- on a bicycle
- onboard a ship
- by bus
- etc.
Please see Recommended driving routes for heavy vehicles.
Follow signs to the harbour (main harbour), which will guide you to the Main Gate (Hakunintie 28) of the Port of Rauma. An access permit is not needed to visit the Main Gate, but it is needed to access the actual port area.
In order to visit the Port Office (Hakunintie 19) of the Port of Rauma, drive into the port area through the Main Gate on Hakunintien Road, and continue straight on for 0.4 km to the Port Office, which is a yellow wooden building. Parking spaces are provided in front of the Port Office. You will need an access permit to visit the Port Office, please ask you host for one.